
SKT and Thales Pioneer Quantum-Resistant 5G Network Security

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In a groundbreaking trial, SK Telecom (SKT) and Thales have successfully tested the encryption and decryption of identity data on a 5G network, aiming to safeguard user privacy from potential quantum threats. The experimentation utilized Thales’ cutting-edge 5G Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) SIM cards within a trial 5G standalone network environment provided by SKT.

The trial specifically focused on cryptographic algorithms engineered to withstand attacks not only from traditional computers but also from potential future quantum computers. The intention is to fortify security against hypothetical “record now, decrypt later” attacks, even though quantum attacks have yet to become a tangible threat.

Yu Takki, Vice President and Head of Infra Technology Office at SKT, emphasized the collaboration’s significance, stating, “This collaboration between SKT and Thales highlights our commitment to staying ahead of the curve in terms of cybersecurity and ensuring the safety of our customers’ data.” Takki added that the Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) offers enhanced security against quantum computer attacks, with future plans to integrate PQC SIM with additional quantum expertise for comprehensive quantum-safe communications.

Eva Rudin, Senior Vice President of Mobile Connectivity and Solutions at Thales, highlighted the necessity of transitioning to cryptographic algorithms resilient against quantum attacks, stating, “As quantum computers have the potential to break certain existing cryptographic algorithms, there is an emerging need to transition to cryptographic algorithms that are believed to be secure against quantum attacks.”

With the increasing reliability of quantum computing and its anticipated widespread usage, the focus on quantum-resistant security measures in 5G networks is poised to become even more critical. Industry players, such as Nokia, are also taking strides in this direction, recently completing a proof of concept trial for quantum-safe connectivity infrastructure. Expect more developments in quantum-resistant security solutions as the specter of encryption collapse due to quantum-powered attacks gains prominence.

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