Telco Buzz

Sparkle and Nexim Partner to Boost Global Internet Connectivity

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Sparkle, Italy’s leading international service provider, has formed a new agreement with Nexim Global to enhance global Internet connectivity. The partnership was sealed at the IBC2024 event, which brings together the media, entertainment, and technology industries.

Nexim Global’s extensive backbone infrastructure and content delivery network (CDN), spanning over 8,600 km of fiber optic network, enables efficient media broadcasting and distribution. They also offer on-demand broadcast and audiovisual (AV) contribution services for international clients, alongside global connectivity solutions.

Under this agreement, Sparkle will provide IP Transit at its Point of Presence (PoP) in Milan, alongside DDoS protection and other IP services in Amsterdam and Frankfurt. This setup will enable Nexim customers to experience high-speed, low-latency Internet access, significantly enhancing their online experience. The collaboration extends to other international connectivity synergies.

The partnership highlights Sparkle’s role as a preferred provider in the media and broadcasting industry, offering ultra-fast and energy-efficient Internet connections.

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