T-Mobile has begun rolling out Starlink’s satellite messaging capability for Samsung Galaxy devices, making strides in off-grid connectivity. This initial release targets users of the Galaxy S24 series within the U.S. Initially announced a few months back, this new technology aims to support connectivity in areas lacking traditional cellular coverage.
Mike Katz, President of Marketing, Strategy, and Products at T-Mobile, highlighted the groundbreaking nature of this service. By leveraging a low-earth orbit constellation paired with terrestrial cellular spectrum, the company covers areas that previously lacked ground-based network access.
The rollout remains in its beta phase, offering a glimpse of what’s possible. With Starlink’s satellite messaging, users can send and receive text messages directly via satellite. This feature is active for users with specific T-Mobile subscription plans. Widespread access across subscription plans may follow in the coming months.
For now, access remains limited to select Samsung Galaxy models, especially those running One UI 6.1 or 6.1.1. Devices in the beta version of Samsung’s One UI 7.0 software do not yet have this capability. As with any rollout of this magnitude, early adopters on Reddit have started reporting successful access to the service. However, T-Mobile hasn’t officially notified eligible users through conventional channels.
While this is a significant advancement, the company isn’t stopping at messages. Plans extend to integrating data connectivity and voice calls through satellite. Such features could transform communication, especially in remote locations. However, these advancements will take time as T-Mobile continues refining this partnership with SpaceX.
Satellite messaging extends a valuable safety net, especially in unpredictable situations like natural disasters or when traveling in remote areas. This innovation positions T-Mobile as a leader in providing solutions for seamless global connectivity, regardless of terrestrial constraints. In the months ahead, more features are expected to strengthen this new mode of communication.